Ambassadors For Christ OTLGM, Inc.
In January of 2008 Christ placed His ministry in Apostle Alfred Lee Moore Jr.’s heart (Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries Inc.). In July of 2008 when Apostle Moore was, 18 years of age, Christ Jesus spoke to him and said “Step out on faith and start my ministry I placed in your heart!” Apostle Moore disobeyed Christ in fear of being too young and felt he needed to be taught more from his spiritual leaders at that time. Two years had passed and in 2010 the voice of the Lord came to Apostle Moore again in a dream “Step out on faith and start my ministry I placed in your heart”, but again Apostle Moore felt he was too young and unprepared to start Christ’s ministry. So, in July of 2010, out of fear of disobeying Christ once again, Apostle Moore Joined the U.S. Army and tried to run from the calling of God. While deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 Christ came to Apostle Moore once again and said “I told you to quit your job and go full time in the ministry and to step out on faith and start the ministry I placed in your heart!”
Being that he had already disobeyed Christ twice already, Apostle Moore had agreed that he would get out of the army and start the ministry Christ had placed in his heart. Once again Apostle Moore disobeyed Christ and signed up for three more years in the U.S. Army and was to be stationed in Louisiana. In January of 2013 Christ Jesus came to Apostle Moore in a dream and showed him that since he wouldn’t start the ministry willingly, he would be forced to. When Apostle Moore had heard news of his orders changing from Louisiana to Georgia, he knew that it was God and the very words Christ had spoken in the dream was coming to pass. On August 13, 2013, the Lord caused Apostle Moore to fall into a deep sleep while he was training with his unit in Indiana. No one could revive him and he was taken up as dead/unresponsive for well over 90 minutes, but the whole-time Christ was speaking to Apostle and told him that “You will be stricken with a severe headache to remind you of your disobedience to Me (THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH) and you want be healed until you start my ministry I gave you in your heart.”
On October 25, 2015 God retired Apostle Alfred Lee Moore Jr. out of the U.S. Army just after 5 years of service, Apostle was only 25 years of age. On March 13, 2016 Apostle Alfred Lee Moore Jr. after 18 years of faithful following and Evangelist An’Diah T. Moore after 5 years of faithful following were led by Christ to come from up under the leadership of Bishop Troy L. Moore and Evangelist Ernestine P. Moore, to start the ministry, He had placed in Apostle Moore’s heart back in 2008. The Holy Ghost Led Apostle and Evangelist Moore to start (Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries Inc.) on the 23rd day in the 12th week in the 3rd month of the year (March 23, 2016). This symbolized the Death of disobedience, God’s supreme government being established and His Divine completeness & perfection for the ministry. So, on March 23, 2016 at 6:00 P.M., with just three committed members Apostle Alfred Lee Moore Jr., Evangelist An’Diah T. Moore & Sister Annie L. White, and with $200 in the Church bank account, the first service of the ministry was conducted in the living room of Apostle and Evangelist Moore’s home. Within that same service 4 more souls joined the ministry. God showed both Apostle and Evangelist Moore the building He would later move the ministry to. On April 28, 2016, which was 1 month and 5 days later from the ministry’s establishment, God blessed the ministry to move into an 8,627 square foot building on 126 Screven Ave. Waycross, GA. 31501, which is the current location of the AFC Embassy. This is the history and establishing of (Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries Inc.), 8 years later from when Christ had placed it in Apostle Moore’s heart in 2008. On March 23, 2019 our Presiding Apostle & Establisher, Apostle Alfred L. Moore Jr. appointed and installed our Elect Lady, Evangelist An'Diah T. Moore as Lead Pastor of Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries, Inc. during the 3rd Year Church Anniversary. We now have a team of Ordained Ministers of the Gospel, an ever-growing membership, Minister's Training & BASIC Training Courses, 12 Auxiliary Departments, and affiliated church ministries all within our 3 years of being established, thanks to the Lord God Almighty.