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Music Ministry

We believe you should usher Gods spirit in through worship and praises. Our musicians, vocalist, praise team, choir and congregation are committed to ever lifting up the name of our Lord. Rather it be a solo, psalm, song, or hymn we do it through the spirit from Christ Jesus. 

Deacon Board
AFC Deacon Logo

The ministry of an older or mature in spirit male, a special minister of help in certain areas of the ministry.

Outreach Ministry

We are concerned with the problems of our community and the needs of the people that are spiritually, mentally, and physically hurt. The outreach ministry God gave us mission is "Shining Light To Bless Souls". We will lead them to the true problem solver Christ Jesus.

BASIC Ministry

BASIC stands for (Brothers And Sisters In Christ). It is our beginners course that all of our members go through. This course gives us a better understanding of our ministry and it's purpose, also how to enhance our faith in Christ Jesus even the more.

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Giving Ministry

It's a gift to be able to give praise, finance, time and ourselves. Which evokes gratitude toward God because their source is rooted in His grace. In the Embassy we teach that it is a blessing to be able to give, being that God gave you enough to spare. 

Youth Ministry

Prayer Ministry

We are dedicated to teaching the word of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to our younger generation. So that in due time they will rise up to the occasion that is at hand; becoming sons and daughters of The Most High God! All ages will be introduced to the faith of God according to age appropriate learning skills. "Our youth are our future of tomorrow through Christ Jesus".

The prayer life God wants us to have is a personal and intimate relationship with Him. Christ Jesus lets us know in Luke to start our prayers by addressing them to {Our Father who is in heaven.} We will grow together and learn how to pray or send up prayer efforts about a relationship with God, Rather than praying for a request to satisfy our worldly desires.

Leadership Course

Even as leaders, we believe that God wants us to refresh our mind, spirit, knowledge and responsibilities concerning the body of Christ. That's why here at AFC Ministry we provide a Christ lead, bible teaching, hands on leadership course training for all of our present, newly and future leaders to come. God wants His leaders to be fully equipped to lead His people.

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Ordained Ministers
Bible Class Ministry
Women For Christ
Men For Christ

The word of God is our way of life here at Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries Inc. It is also our job to be sure that each person in the body of faith; read, understand and apply Gods word to their lives. In the Embassy we break the word down into sections by groups called series from Christ through the Holy Ghost according to our spiritual needs. 










AFC Mother Board Logo
Mother Board

There is nothing like strong women in the Lord who comes together and pray for one another. Our Women Department offers an outlet for women who has a hunger for Jesus and a drive to help other women that are in need, hence the motto "Building Women For Christ."










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Usher Board

What a site to see when men come together in unity for the Lord in prayer. Our Men Department offers a since of strength for men who are not ashamed of Jesus and willing to reach out to other men that are in need, hence the motto "Building Men For Christ." 










AFC Bible Class Flyer

The ministry of ecclesiastical order from God authorized by the Church to perform functions such as teaching of beliefs/doctrines; leading services and holy sacraments such as communion, weddings, baptisms, ordinations or funerals and any other sacraments deemed suitable by the Church.










The ministry of an older or mature in spirit female, special minister of help in certain areas of the ministry.

Ushers are the police of each service and helps make it run smoothly.





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© 2016-2025 Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries, Inc. 

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